Vibrating Private Parts

Vibrating Private Parts
House of Healing Den Bosch 2017

This was an unintentional discovery while praying for deliverance with a woman who had night demon encounters. I, (being a male) while placing my hand on her forehead, she exclaimed “I’m feeling a vibrating sensation between my legs.”  I stopped praying (thinking there might be something to do with me) and let one of the two  women on our deliverance team continue the deliverance procedures.

Months later, when praying over another woman, who was also having encounters with an incubus night demon and also being involved in with occult practices, I placed my hands on her head and asked her if she was feeling a vibrating sensation. She said “yes” and told us that she would have these vibrating feelings many times during the day, especially when she encountered an attractive man or just at other random times. She told us of the time when she saw the incubus demon with red eyes, laying on top of her while sleeping in bed next to her husband.
 There were two other occasions when this experience of vibrating of the genitals also occurred in people we were working with.
In 2016, we had 7 people who had or still have encounters with night demons.

At the House of Healing Den Bosch, we do deliverance on a average about 3 people per week and spend around 2 hours with each one. The subject of demon rape and strange sexual phenomena is always a little  difficult and embarrassing subject to talk about. Some statistics out of Africa and South America state that 7 out of 10 Christians have encounters with night demons, a good percentage being woman.

If you research the ‘night demon experience’ of being raped by demons, you will find a long history throughout the centuries about this subject up until now. We have found common causes to be either an opened door to the occult, being the victim of rape, or being molested as a child. (Or all of the above) From a psychological point of view, it is called ‘sleep paralysis’. While waking up in fear because of a presence in the room or a feeling of being molested in some way by a seen or invisible entity and not being able to move. I believe that the neurological and psychological explanations can be true in certain circumstances, but the reality of demon rape is a frightening reality that is happening all the time especially in African cultures (to name one of many) and now in this culture of  ‘Eastern spiritual enlightenment’  in the Western world.

Getting back to the vibrating genitals or ‘Phantom Vibrations’ as they are sometimes called; the medical world has yet to find an exact cause for the phenomena. They talk about a vitamin deficiency or a electrolyte imbalance, lack of potassium and magnesium or the person has been recently been under allot of stress. Though, with one woman, it was found to be from uterine fibroids pressing on blood supply to her legs. Surgical removal of several large fibroids seem to solved the problem. But I found that many males also complain about this cell phone type vibrations in the groin area or slight vibrations in the penis for about two seconds every five second intervals and there was one individual who was having continual vibrations in the scrotum.

I think the misunderstanding is that the symptoms are always diagnosed through a medical point of view while not considering a spiritual cause. I believe it can be both physical and spiritual. But if you are experimenting in the occult world, including the popular Hindu or Buddhism cultures, your problem will most likely be spiritually demonic.

What more people say it feels like:
Most people describe the feeling as a ‘smart phone in vibrate mode’ going on and off in between their legs or in the pelvic area. “It’s really strange, not like a nerve twitch - which is "slower" than this feeling of a "buzzing" which lasts about two to three seconds and repeats itself for a couple of minutes, then it stops. This feeling lasts for about 2 seconds with roughly a 5 second gap - this can go on for hours. Some people experience it all the time. “Mine is NON-STOP. It's like someone left a vibrator inside me on low and I can't turn it off.” “The first one hundred or so times I felt it, I grabbed for my cell phone. I finally realized the buzzing was in me, not on me. I feels much like a faintly vibrating cell phone, like when you phone is set on vibrate and you can feel it going off in your purse. Not obnoxious, but noticeable. I feel it in the lower mid-pelvic region, right where the uterus is.” 18 year old woman: “I was having trouble sleeping last night cause I kept feeling this buzzing/vibration in or on my vagina. It doesn't hurt but it doesn't feel good either. Most of the time is in a pattern but sometimes it's not. It also seems like when it happens I feel like a little pressure or pull on my vagina. It’s kind of freaking me out.”

I found one person who was just trying to get deliverance from New Age practices.
The New Agers are calling the vibrations an ‘ascension shift’ or ‘Reiki energy’.
When people start opening chakras or activating the ‘Kundalini’[1], they will experience many strange things. She was also having vibrating sensations around her private parts, groin, anus, breast and neck area.
“Have you or someone around you been dabbling in the occult or paganism? Practicing yoga exercises, Reiki energy healing, Pilates exercises, or practice pagan religions like, Buddhism , Hinduism (Vedic Sanskrit), meditating etc...
Well if so, you have an open doorway to the demonic realm.
Here are some more symptoms I am having, besides a vibration around my private parts: Feeling like your falling, bad anxiety, hearing louder and intensified sounds, body twitching / jerking. Feeling like someone is touching you or grabbing you, crawling feeling/ sensation around your body and head, feels like your uterus is shrinking, feels like a baby kicking, sharp pain or stabbing pain, feels like a baby is moving around in your body, feeling like there is a snake is inside of you.

Deliverance Prayers for Night Demons

Breaking the Spiritual Marriage
In the name of Jesus, I break all spiritual ties of marriage to you, spirit spouse. It was a deception and a lie to start out with. As a Christian, I have the authority of Jesus Christ as I fight in His victory, the victory He won on the Cross for me. I denounce this spiritual wedding bond and break it of all legal rights over me in the Name of Jesus. I only serve God our Heavenly Father through Jesus in the Holy Spirit. I put to death you spirits of lust, I bind you, all your demons of lust and destroy all the seeds you planted in me. I cast all the spirits of lust and all your seeds to the foot of the cross of Jesus. In Jesus’ name, Amen!!!

Deliverance from Rape
In the name of Jesus, I bind now this demon of lust, sexual perversion, rape and any molestation! I bind your powers satan and this demon who raped me and any other demons that were placed into me! I put the blood of Jesus at the root at which they came in! Forgive me Lord of my sin that opened the door! I wholly and sincerely repent! I close that door now! I seal it with the blood of Jesus and send them to you Jesus for judgment and forbid them to come back in any way, shape or form! In Jesus’ name!!!

Breaking Generation Curses
If any incubus or succubus demons have been passed unto me through my family generations, I bind and cast them out now in the name of Jesus! I cut off the head of this demon king snake and all the rest of them below them! I destroy them now, those that are responsible for this in my heritage, this generational demon of perversion! I cut the head off this snake demon that is wrapped around my sexual organs, in the name of Jesus! I put the blood of Jesus at the root at which they came in! I close those doors now, right back to Adam!!! I seal them with the blood of Jesus! Send them to esus for judgment and forbid them to come back upon me or anyone else in my family!  Amen!

Infilling of the Holy Spirit
Pour out upon me now.....Your Holy Spirit, Lord to cleanse and purify my body, soul, mind and spirit from these demons! Go into the recesses of my memory bank in my mind, heart, gut, cleanse, and purify me Lord! Erase those memories with your Holy Spirit eraser! May I never think of those thoughts again! Place your healing balm there, oh Lord, wash me and make me whiter than snow!

Fill Every Cell in Me
Pour out upon me your love, Jesus, to permeate every cell of my body, soul mind and spirit! I cut all negative and ungodly soul ties with all of my friends, family and enemies! I stand separate and apart from them all satan!! You cannot use their demons of lust to attack me or invade my body ever again! I forbid it now satan!!! I take authority over you and your demons! I put you and them under my feet in Jesus name!!!
Lord Jesus, heal me now and place a barrier of Your blood, a hedge of protection between me and these demonic forces that would try and invade my body while I sleep! Guard me Lord! Keep me safe in Your arms every night from this day forth! Thank you Jesus thank you! Amen and amen!!!!!! I seal this prayer with the blood of Jesus!

[1] (In yoga) latent female energy believed to lie coiled at the base of the spine.
      a system of meditation directed towards the release of kundalini energy. The release of the Hindu god Shiva!!!